Halloween in Italy

Happy Halloween to all of you! Halloween is a funny one… I really love this time of year, and when I was a kid (and when I was a student to be fair) it was a fantastic excuse to dress up in as silly and as outlandish a costume as I could possibly conceive and…

Roman Holiday part II

I did mention that I would be back to discuss the most important parts of my visit to Rome with my parents, and for those of you who know me at all, either in person or via the internet, will surely be aware that for me this means the food and drink. Rome, like all…

Roman Holiday

This was a case of me and my parents visiting the capital, not quite as glamourous as Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck but hey, we do our best! Rome is by far one of my favourite cities and one of the few places I would seriously consider moving to. My mum, who is a complete…

Inspiring Blogger award – Wow!

I’ve been away for a while because I was on holiday and although I have taken planty of photos and will be sharing some posts with you shortly about my time in Rome with my Parents and my holiday in Chianti with Roby I was quite ill when I came back and mostly just slept…