Linguine with razor clams, zucchini purée, lemon zest and bottarga

Every now and then R and I decide to make something a little more gourmet, and this was decidedly the case when we went ahead with this dish. I was a bit concerned because it looks complex (it isn’t) and because R’s mum was coming for lunch. I needn’t have worried, she’s still raving about…

New life, new start.

I’ve not been around much I know… sorry! Many, many things have changed since I last wrote a post on this blog. I changed my life some time ago now, leaving corporate marketing to become an English teacher and freelance translator.  It was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and has led…


Limoncello… this quintessentially Italian, sweet, aromatic liqueur is incredibly easy to make at home. Who would have thought? All you need is: 1 liter of food grade alcohol (if you can’t get this then strong vodka like Smirnoff blue label may work but it won’t be the same) 5 or 6 organic lemons (sfusato amalfitano…

Wordy Wednesday – C is for Ceramica

Ceramica, Ceramic. Practically synonymous with the Amalfi Coast, and in particular with Vietri, the first town on the coast after the city of Salerno. The town is linked to Cava dei Tirreni (a quarry turned city) and the art of ceramic deveoped from there. Vietri is now covered with colourful works of art in ceramic…

Birthday cake and a new camera

I don’t have a huge amount to say tonight, but I am ridiculously excited that I got a brand spanking new camera (in case you didn’t notice I had been taking pictures with my mobile phone) and am looking forward to taking lotsalotsalotsa pics and sharing them with you all! I was at a birthday…

Birra in Villa – Beer festival!

Now most of us perhaps think of beer as being more of a Northern European thing… after all, the Southerners have wine. We in the North aren’t that great at making wine… so they won’t be great at making beer. Stands to reason, right? Um, wrong. Dratted Southerners… Birra in Villa in Castel San Giorgio…

“Regù” Salernitano

No, not a mispelling. I really do mean Regù, not Ragù. They say that traditional is best and that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and traditional Ragù Bolognese certainly isn’t broken but one of our friends, Domenico decided he was going to “fix” the recipe anyway, and change the name to make it…


I live half an hour from Pompei… but had never visited the site. I know, I know… R is worse than me though – he has lived here all his life and had never been! It turns out that he had not appreciated exactly HOW important the site was… and although I was less surprised…


I am in Bologna for work and realised too late that I need a wifi code for the internet if I want to write a proper post… The b&b owner has left, so I’m stuck… I primise I will post wordy wednesday as soon as I can get a stable connection… With love, from Italy

Wordy Wednesday – Amore

Wednesdays from now on will be dedicated to a word in the Italian language. Where possible I will stick to the alphabet, although X might be a bit of a bummer so I’ll probably end up skipping that one… The first word with A is easy: Amore. Love. It’s what Italy is all about. It’s the reason…

A fresh start

It has been a long time. Too long. I even considered completely abandoning this blog and setting up a new one, because I was embarrassed to come back to it after so long. I have decided that isn’t necessary though, and that it seems a tremendous shame to let everything here wither and waste away….


I have been missing in action for a few months and am aware of this, but I was having an extremely difficult time for personal reasons and simply finding the energy to get up in the morning was a chore. On top of this, I was thinking of nothing but my problems which are a….