A night on the Coast with Bruschetta and too much wine

Well not really too much, but there is no way I would have driven anywhere, lets put it that way. As I’ve mentioned before, the only real way to see the Coast is by Vespa, unless you are rich and have a boat. If you are poor like me, then a Vespa is almost as…

5 ways Italians are different to the British

It can’t be that different, I hear you cry. Both European countries, only one hour of time difference, essentially both “Christian” countries… surely the differences are minimal? Well there are similarities, and culture shock going from the UK to Italy of vice versa is surely not as great is it would be between say the UK and…


I live half an hour from Pompei… but had never visited the site. I know, I know… R is worse than me though – he has lived here all his life and had never been! It turns out that he had not appreciated exactly HOW important the site was… and although I was less surprised…

Ricotta mousse with dark chocolate, pear and whisky

Mousse di riccotta al cioccolato fondente e pere I feel like utter crap. Sorry. I have a serious headcold and a cough, and I had to go to a wedding today – beautiful wedding, and I had a lovely time, but now that I am home… Let’s just say I am writing this from my…

Made In Italy by Giorgio Locatelli

Most cookbooks are a mere collection of recipes, purely functional and not particularly interesting. Every once in a while however a cook book comes out which is far more than this… It tells a story, recounts the history of a nation, evokes emotions, sights, smells and tastes and inspires you to recreate the dishes not…

Lemon and basil chicken

Pollo al limone e basilico What are some of the flavours you think about when you think of the Mediterranean? For me, the top five have always been: 1. Tomatoes 2. Basil 3. Oranges and lemons 4. Olive oil 5. Garlic This tangy chicken dish incorporates all but the first of these ingredients into the…

Black rice with winter squash

Riso Venere con la Zucca I know, I promised you some healthy Italian recipes. I’ve been super busy this week, so I’ll update you now! I have been eating healthily as promised and doing a fair bit of running with the pooch (she’s all better). I have lost about a kilo so it all seems…

I’m baaaaaaaack…

The dog is out of the danger zone according to the vet so I swear I will be back on blogging form from this week. Sorry about the hiatus, but I was just too worried angry and tired from staying up all night with her to even think about blogging… I have a couple of…

Pizza party!

When you want to party in Italy what better way to go than a pizza party? My friend Carlo is lucky enough to have a proper wood fired pizza oven in his back garden, meaning that he can make the most incredible pizzas of all different flavours… There were tons of other pizza’s too, although…

Roman Holiday part II

I did mention that I would be back to discuss the most important parts of my visit to Rome with my parents, and for those of you who know me at all, either in person or via the internet, will surely be aware that for me this means the food and drink. Rome, like all…

Inspiring Blogger award – Wow!

I’ve been away for a while because I was on holiday and although I have taken planty of photos and will be sharing some posts with you shortly about my time in Rome with my Parents and my holiday in Chianti with Roby I was quite ill when I came back and mostly just slept…

Organic food, Italian style

Organic food. Good for you? Yes. Environmentally friendly? Yes. Tastier? According to enthusiasts… Expensive? Absolutely! Yes, organic food is costly and despite the best of intentions if you don’t earn a high salary it is difficult to eat organic without having to give up on many of life’s little luxuries. Ironically, the more natural a…